Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

You've probably heard the old myth that muscle weighs more than fat. Actually, a pound is a pound no matter how you slice it. However, think about a pound of marshmallows versus a pound of steel. The fluffy marshmallows are going to take up a lot more space than the pound of steel. If you take two people of the same weight, one with significantly more fat than muscle, the one filled more with fat is going to look larger while the other will look more toned and sculpted.

Muscle serves a different function from fat. While fat helps insulate the body of heat, muscle helps boost metabolism. High body fat percentages are associated with increased risk for obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing problems, gallstones and certain cancers. A body containing a lot of muscle will burn more calories at rest. This means while you're sitting on the couch, sleeping, driving, etc., you are burning calories. Muscle also has other significant benefits. It helps increase bone density and prevent a decrease in muscle mass through the aging process. This in turn helps adults stay functional and active. 

So how do we gain muscle? Certainly, cardio exercise, i.e.; running, biking, walking, etc., is helpful in terms of burning calories, however, in order to gain muscle, strength training is vital. By performing 3 sets of strength training exercises of 12-15 repetitions, 3 times a week, with a healthful, low calorie diet containing as many unprocessed foods as possible, you should see and feel a difference. For a more defined, bulkier body sculpt, 8-10 repetitions is recommended. Women who fear they will bulk up ought to ditch this myth as the added weight of bulk they are thinking of not only does not happen easily and is only for a minuscule percentage of the public who is trained in how to seriously bulk up on muscle, but involves more than just doing a certain number of repetitions in weight training per set.

Generally, it takes 4-6 weeks to start seeing results from strength training. Be patient. Make it desirable and fun however that looks to you; Exercising with a partner, watching a movie, listening to your favorite podcast, hiring a trainer that will show you how to exercise safely, efficiently and in a way that is motivating and not overwhelming. I'm here to help! Research shows there is nothing like the benefits of exercise to reverse the signs of aging and improve health.

In Health, Strength and Happiness,
